Introduction to the WHO Consolidated Guidelines on Tuberculosis – Module 6

Public Health Nepal

Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a leading cause of illness and death worldwide, driven by five major health-related risk factors: diabetes, HIV, smoking, undernutrition, and alcohol use disorders. These factors contribute to nearly half of all new TB cases globally and, when present in TB patients, are classified as comorbidities. Comorbidities and health-related risk factors often lead to poor TB treatment outcomes, lower quality of life, and increased healthcare costs. Addressing these risk factors is essential for improving patient outcomes and achieving the WHO's End TB strategy goals.

The WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis, specifically Module 6, focus on integrating care for TB and its comorbidities. These guidelines compile the latest evidence-based recommendations to support countries in providing comprehensive, people-centered care. Developed using the GRADE approach, the guidelines rate the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations, ensuring that healthcare providers have access to the best possible practices. Accompanied by an operational handbook, the guidelines offer practical steps for implementation and align with WHO’s Framework for collaborative action on TB and comorbidities.

In the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB, member states reaffirmed their commitment to ending the TB epidemic by 2030. They pledged to integrate TB, HIV, and other comorbidity services within primary healthcare and set ambitious targets for 2027, including reaching 90% of TB patients with quality diagnosis and treatment, providing preventive care to high-risk groups, and ensuring social support to avoid financial hardship. These consolidated guidelines aim to reduce the TB burden and enhance patient care, playing a crucial role in the global fight against TB.

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