Classification of rural, municipality, sub-metropolitan city, metropolitan city in Nepal



Nepal is a federal democratic republic that was established in 2015 with the promulgation of a new constitution. The country is divided into three tiers of government: federal, provincial, and local levels. Each level of government has its own set of responsibilities and authority.  Nepal has seven administrative provinces, consisting 53 municipalities (metropolitan cities: 6, sub-metropolitan cities: 11, urban municipalities: 276, rural municipalities: 460) distributed across three ecological belts - Mountains, Hills, and Terai. The classification of Nepal into 6 metropolitan cities, 11 sub-metropolitan cities,276 urban municipalities and 460 rural municipalities is based on Local Government Operation Act 2017.

The criteria for classification are given below

Urban Municipality

1. Population

Districts from mountain region: at least 10,000

Districts from Hill region: atleast 40,000 

Districts from inner Terai region: at least 50,000

Districts from Terai region: at least 75,000

Districts from Kathmandu valley: at least 100,000

2. Internal Revenue of last 5 years 

Mountain region: at least 1 crore

Hill and Terai region: at least 3 crore

3. Should have road, foot path, electricity, drinking water, communication facilities, and other minimum facilities

4. Availability of Waste management and landfill site 

5. Each ward consisting of open area, park and garden

6.Atleast one 25 bedded hospital

7. Airport or bus park with public toilet

8. With banking and finance facilities

9. Community building with meeting hall

10. With market place

11. With Animal slaughter house

12. With playground

13. With city master plan

14. Other 

Sub metropolitan city 

1. Population: At least 2 lakh

2. Internal review of last 5 year:  At least 25 crore

3. At least one 100 bedded hospital

4. Availability of Waste management and landfill site 

5. With meeting hall

6. With national level stadium, covered hall, gym center

7. With electricity, drinking water, communication facilities

8. Within city, pitched main road

9. With Technical and higher education centers

10. With Public park, auditorium hall

11. Modern animal slaughter house and managed crematorium 

12. Other

Metropolitan city 

1. Population: At least 5 lakh

2. Internal review of last 5 year:  At least 1 arba

3. Buspark with terminal, sufficient parking area with subway and footpath

4. Of total road length, 75% should be pitched

5. Having education institution with availability of at least master level education

6. Specialized hospital, at least one 100-beded general hospital, at least 500 bedded hospital

7. Managed vegetable and fruit market

8. Shopping Mall

9. International Airport 

10. Internal level 

11. Museum

12. Sufficient entertainment places

13. International level auditorium

14. Other

Rural Municipality

 All other are the rural municipalities


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