Strength and difficult questionnaire (SDQ) tool
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief tool to assess behavioral and emotional problems in childrens of age 2-17 year old. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), was invented by child psychiatrist Professor Robert Goodman MD PhD. There are six versions (parent-report and youth-self report) currently
specified for NOCC reporting which are as follows:
- PC1 – Parent Report Measure for Children aged 04-10, Baseline version;
- PC2 – Parent Report Measure for Children and Adolescents aged 4-10, Follow up version;
- PY1 – Parent Report Measure for Youth aged 11-17, Baseline version;
- PY2 – Parent Report Measure for Youth aged 11-17; Follow up version;
- YR1 – Youth self report measure (11-17), Baseline version; and
- YR2 – Youth self report measure (11-17), Follow up version.
Different version of SDQ tools and different translation (75 or more) can be downloaded from the links below:
Code book for processing SDQs are available in the links below:
It consists of 25 items and divided into 5 different scales which are:
- Emotional problem (5 items)
- Conduct problems(5 items)
- Hyperactivity/ inattention(5 items)
- Peer relationship problems (5 items) and
- Pro-social problems (5 items)
Each items have three possible options- "Not True", "Somewhat True" and "Certainly True". For items 7, 11,14, 21 and 25, scores given to "Not True", "Somewhat True" and "Certainly True" are 2,1 and 0 respectively. For remaining items, scores given to "Not True", "Somewhat True" and "Certainly True" are 0,1 and 2 respectively.
Total score is calculayed by summing scores from all the scales except the
prosocial scale. The resultant score ranges from 0 to 40, and is counted as missing of one of
the 4 component scores is missing. The classification of empotional and behavioral problems is shown in the table below:
Uses of SDQ scale
- Clinical Assessment of emotional and behavioral problems
- Use for research purpose
- Screening
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