Nepal CENSUS 2021 Report




The Nepal Census 2022 has provided us with a comprehensive overview of the country's population, its characteristics, and changes since the previous census in 2011. This census offers a valuable snapshot of Nepal's demographics, socio-economic factors, and more. Let's dive into some of the key results and findings from the report.

1. Population Growth and Gender Ratio

As of November 25, 2021, Nepal's total population stands at 29,164,578. The male population is 14,253,551 (48.87%), while the female population is 14,911,027 (51.13%). The sex ratio is 95.59 males per 100 females. This reflects a change from the 2011 census, where the population was 26,494,504, and the sex ratio was 94.16 males per 100 females.

2. Population of Other Genders

In the 2021 census, information about individuals identifying as 'other gender' was collected. This community constitutes 0.01% of the total population, with 2,928 individuals. The highest percentage of 'other gender' individuals (32.7%) is in Bagmati province, while the lowest (2.8%) is in Karnali province.

3. Population Growth Rate

The annual average population growth rate in 2021 is 0.92%, down from 1.35% in 2011. Bhaktapur has the highest growth rate at 3.35%, while Ramechhap has the lowest at -1.67%.

4. Population Density

Nepal's population density has increased from 180 in 2011 to 198 in 2021. The Tarai region has the highest population density at 460, while the Mountain region has the lowest at 34. Kathmandu district has the highest density (5,169), while Manang district has the lowest (3).

5. Population by Age Group

In 2021, 61.96% of Nepal's population falls within the 15–59 age group, compared to 56.96% in 2011. Those aged 14 and below make up 27.83%, while those aged 60 and above account for 10.21%.

6. Number of Households

The total number of households has increased by 23% from 2011, totaling 6,666,937 in 2021, of which 6,660,841 are conventional households.

7. Average Household Size

The average household size is 4.37 persons, a decrease from 4.88 in 2011. It varies by ecological belt, with the Mountain region having the smallest households (4.33) and Rautahat district the largest (5.94).

8. Urban vs. Rural Population

In 2021, the urban population is 66.17%, while the rural population is 33.83%. The sex ratio in urban areas remains at 96.06, while in rural areas, it increased from 91.27 in 2011 to 95.59.

9. Districts with Highest and Lowest Population

Kathmandu district has the highest population (2,041,587), and Manang district has the lowest (5,658). Morang, Rupandehi, Jhapa, and Sunsari are the next most populous districts.

10. Population by Ecological Belt

In 2021, 53.61% of the population resides in the Tarai region, 40.31% in the Hill region, and 6.08% in the Mountain region.

11. Population by Province

Bagmati province has the highest population share (20.97%), while Karnali province has the lowest (5.79%). Madhesh province follows as the second most populous.

12. Number of Building Structures by Main Use

There are 7,552,066 building structures in Nepal, with 71.7% mainly used for residence and 10.1% for shed or storage. Lumbini province has the highest residential usage (75%), while Sudur Pashchim province has 68% residential usage.

13. Ownership of Housing Units

In 2021, 86% of households reside in their own housing units, compared to 85.3% in 2011. The proportion of rented housing units remains at 12.8%.

14. Main Source of Drinking Water

In 2021, 57% of households use tap/piped water as the main source of drinking water. Well/hand pump and jar/bottled water are other common sources.

15. Main Source of Fuel for Cooking

Over 51% of households use wood/firewood as their primary cooking fuel, followed by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at 44.3%.

16. Main Source of Lighting

Electricity is the primary source of lighting for the majority (92.2%) of households, a significant increase from 67.3% in 2011.

17. Household Assets/Amenities

The census reveals that 3.88% of households lack any of the listed assets/amenities. The most common household assets include mobile phones, fans, and televisions.

18. Toilet Facilities

In 2021, 95.5% of households have access to some form of toilet facility, compared to 38.2% in 2011.

19. Female Ownership in Housing and Land

23.8% of households have female ownership of land, housing units, or both, an increase of 1.1% compared to 2011.

20. Small-Scale Enterprises

Approximately 9.4% of households operate small-scale enterprises, with the highest proportion in Bagmati province (24.5%) and the lowest in Karnali province (5.2%).

21. Absentees Population Abroad

A total of 2,190,592 people from 1,555,961 households (23.4%) are absent and living abroad. Males constitute 82.2% of these absentees.


The Nepal Census 2022 provides a wealth of data on the country's demographics, economic activities, and living conditions. These insights are invaluable for policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding Nepal's evolving social and economic landscape.

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