To work with EpiData software and the EPX project file you must download and install the following:
- To define, document and export data get EpiData Manager
- To enter data get EntryClient
- To analyse and do data-management get EpiData Analysis
- In special situations or when a given function is not yet developed in Manager, EntryClient and Analysis you could need
- EpiData (Classic) Entry v3.1 (get it here) (only for programmed checks, before/after end blocks)
- EpiData (Classic) Analysis v2.2.3 get EpiData Analysis Classic (for General Graphs, SPC analysis, life table analysis etc).
- Further special software: template parser, further utilities here
- Latest development test version here
1. How to download and install epidata manager in your PC?
2. How to set security in Epidata Manager?
3. How to make questionaire dataform in epidata manager
4. Data Entry via Epidata Entry Client
5. How to export data from epidata manager to SPSS, excel and stata
6. How to merge append data entered in two different epidata manager files
7. How to make dataform in epidata manager in 15 minutes
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